“Not content with depriving girls and women of education, employment, and free movement, the Taliban also want to take from them parks and sport and now even nature, as we see from this latest ban on women visiting Band-e-Amir,” Human Rights Watch’s Associate Women’s Rights Director Heather Barr says.
The people living in afghanistan are the ones being victimized by the taliban. They do have supporters obviously, but to say that all men living in afghanistan are okay with what’s happening is ridiculous.
If America was violently overtaken by gun-toting religious maniacs, would it be fair to say “Oh well some of them voted for it! Their fault!”
America is being taken over by gun-toting religious maniacs, and yeah, most of the populace supports them. Take a look at Trump’s recent poll numbers.
Yes, they are trying. Sorry I should rephrase that to “if America was successfully overtaken”
I still wouldn’t say most of the populace, it’s more like a tie. But thats’ definitely a way way higher number than there should be considering.
But the US did vote for gun-toting religious maniacs to overtake them though …
They definitely did. But a whole lot of Americans voted against them, too. It would be unfair to dismiss all of America because some of them vote for these people.
@storksforlegs @raccoona_nongrata That’s essentially what a lot of people elsewhere in the US say about those of us who live in states run by gun-toting religious maniacs. (For the record, about 40% of us did not vote for this.)