• Which other leader of government pays for their own transportation for official engagements? Or previous UK PM if you want? Or, fuck it, which Labour PM if you really want?

    Fair enough they’re trying to save public money but are you suggesting that politicians should self fund their travel for official work? Or is this simply he’s Rishi and wealthy so I don’t like him. Which, of so, fair play to you.

      • I think within reason yes. But if you can fit a meeting in Scotland plus a meeting on London in on the same day by air then why wouldn’t you? Personally I want my PM to be working hard day and night not sitting in cars.

        Of course if we had decent fast trains up and down and side to side for the country then it would be different. But we’ll never have those 🤗.

        • On Tuesday, Sunak used a helicopter for an engagement in Norwich, a trip of little more than 100 miles. In May, he flew to and from Southampton to visit a pharmacy for an NHS-related announcement, a 160-mile round trip where the train takes an hour and 15 minutes each way.

          We have decently fast trains to a lot of places, and he is taking the helicopter for journeys that wouldn’t be that long on the train. Plus you can actually do some work while riding the train, which is difficult in a car and pretty impossible in a helicopter.

          • That’s a fair point. If he can take a fast train then cool. I’m not arguing for complete helicopter travel everywhere. Just that where it makes sense he should. Obviously where it doesn’t he shouldn’t. I don’t think that’s controversial.

        • There’s this amazing thing called Teams we’ve all learned to use over the last few years that means you don’t have to be at a meeting physically anymore.

    • Or previous UK PM if you want? Or, fuck it, which Labour PM if you really want?

      Literally none of them ever took a helicopter or jet everywhere they went (and/or for ridiculously short trips). Even BoJo the clown and piggy fucker Cameron would take public transport, what makes Sunak too good for it?

      The real question you should be asking instead of creating this strawman is why do you feel the need to suck the boot that is stomping on your (and our) neck?

    • Previous PMs didn’t use helicopters and private planes, they used trains and roads like the rest of us. I’m happy to pay for a train fit Sunek, not a helicopter.

    • He doesn’t need to fly around in a helicopter for official work. Case in point he currently doesn’t and it is fine and other PMs haven’t and they were fine.

      Besides helicopters are one of the least safe forms of transport, and while most people think that he would probably become more productive if he were laminated across the ground, it’s probably not a good look.

    •  Syldon   ( @Syldon@feddit.uk ) 
      11 year ago

      He really should if the transport is unreasonable. There are occasions when time is a issue due to scheduling. that would be an ok use of the helicopter. Sunak wants to use one willy nilly, as such he should fund that himself. He was quite happy to fund his own transport when he went to the US to talk to healthcare companies.