And you, what’s your operating system to code ? Me, I use Arch btw

      • I care about freedom. In that regard, mac is easily the worst of the three. Also, it kinda combines the downsides of both:

        1. Being proprietary crap that tries to force you into using it a specific way and does shit in the background nobody ever asked for
        2. Not being compatible with some proprietary soft- or hardware

        I hate windows with a passion but would take it anytime if mac would be the only other option.

        •  GBU_28   ( ) 
          610 months ago

          Every windows machine a job has given me has been a hunk of garbage. At least Mac hardware has a floor of quality. Not perfect by any means, but at least the battery lasts and there’s basic horsepower.

          Also every windows machine has been with a fossilized company that has tons of IT bloat with tons of spyware authentication shit on it. Hell I had to file (and fight for) wsl privileges on my current windows machine

          The Macs I’ve gotten have been brand new, straight from the manufacturer.

          I’m sure that’s just luck of the draw but yeah fuck windows shops hah

          • I’m not talking about companies that use windows vs companies that use mac but about the systems themselves. It’s very possible that most companies that use macs are generally better equipped, treat their devices better, upgrade more often, etc… But that’s a correlation, not a causation. You are right about the quality baseline because apple forces them to buy very specific hardware. But if they’d instead spend the same money for a windows machine and set it up decently, I would prefer that by a lot. MacOS is just terrible. It’s less keyboard friendly, always messy, forces users into a overpriced and shitty proprietary lock-in ecosystem, etc.

            I’m not sure how long I’ll say that though since microsoft really manages to make windows so much worse with every version they release, it has also reached a barely usable state to be honest.

        • I switched over to MacOs about 3 months ago now for dev work and I’ve really been enjoying it so far. Except when there are weird hiccups, but they’ve been getting better as I get more familiar with it

          • Each to their own! I’m not a dev, but I have to use a mac at work for video editing, and what frustrates me, is the clunky window management and that some keyboard shortcuts (like copying and pasting) make me have to twist my hand in quite unnatural positions, at least on the apple’s own keyboard.