Got a notification from LinkedIn saying “You’re one of the few experts who have been invited to collaborate on …” I got curious and opened up the link.

Apparently, now instead of professional writers being paid to pen down their, usually, cohesive & authentic views, LinkedIn is trying out the idea of generating content using an LLM and then asking for free editorial services from users in exchange for “badges” 🤯 🤦‍♂️

This is cheap IMO. Even for LinkedIn.

What’s happened to the “content team” at LinkedIn!?

  •  TWeaK   ( ) 
    3710 months ago

    Not surprising. LinkedIn have always been scummy, going back to when they first started and they’d convince people to give them their email accounts and passwords so they could send emails to all their contacts to get them to join. They’re also one of only 2 companies that at one point sold my unique email address to spam immediately after joining.