Whatever “conservatism” is, it does not involve the conservation of a stable climate, or the polar ice caps, or the coral reefs, or the global food supply.

    • This is literally it. The thing they want to conserve is the way society is, or rather, the way it was back in the mid-1900’s. That’s why they’re on the other end of the spectrum from progressives, who want progress and change.

      • The thing they want to conserve is the way society is, or rather, the way it was back in the mid-1900’s.

        I don’t even find that to be true. They adopt technology based on the whims of advertising they consume. Donald Trump was king of Twitter and they ate that up. They just don’t follow what they say. They say they hate California, but consume every bit of technology (like Twitter, Apple, Disney, sports teams) they can that comes out of it.

        • Not technology, just society. They want men to be the defacto head of all households, they want women to be stay-at-home mothers, and they want white people to be in charge of everything.