• The whole idea the internet is interlinked sites. Then again the whole idea if the internet was also a robust, reliable, multi-nodal, non-corporate architecture for redundant transmission of data, so we’re headed into the shitter already.

        But, more to the point, if you start charging people for links you break the purpose of being able to link things. It will kill Canadian journalism first, but it will wound a portion of the internet in the process. And if it spreads it will do net harm to both sides, everywhere.

          1. You already are charged by Google the price is your data and ads
          2. The target is 1 billion dollar + entities (based on my skim)

          Just like the original comment this seems like wild overstatement.

    • If these websites were someone’s blog linking to a news article, I’d agree. They’re not and they’re not merely linking content. This isn’t the open web, it’s not the internet. These are platforms with captive audiences. Once you put that in the thought process, it flips the argument on its head.