• Nothing popped up when scanning it. Not even the crack being flagged as a crack.

    Game runs like ass tho. Everything but my GPU meets recommended. I still have a 1660 Super. Get anywhere between 30 and 60 with low settings, depending on where I am and what’s going on. First game in a while to just cripple my shit. 😩

      • It’s weird how being in a small room gets me about 32 fps, but then going outside into a forest I get 60. Usually it’s the other way around, with interiors being the faster zone. 🤷🏻‍♂️

        I’ve seen some others getting similar results on a 3080 with the same CPU (Rysen 5 3600X) I have though, so now I’m not even sure upgrading my hardware would make a difference and it’s probably just classic Bethesda optimizations.