Do you hate the way Beehaw website looks? Do you long for the days of that other site with the old formatting??

Well Beeple; I present the old interface thanks to Mlmym! Give it a try if that’s your thing -

A note here though, that is an external project dealing with the Lemmy aspects in their own way. If you find an issue or bug on, please try the same on before crying foul. Please report any issues or bugs to the right place to get them fixed.

  •  apis   ( ) 
    42 years ago

    Actually like how Beehaw looks, and the flow of using it is a lot better than the rest of the Fediverse, but on a small screen this “old” style is much easier for me to use.

    It’d be cool if one day we could load up *ES settings to run here, but I’d guess two sites are so different under the bonnet, that such wranglings may not be viable.