• YouTube TV here - I rarely spend any time scrolling. There’s almost always something on and if there isn’t, I’ve already got something good recorded or I’ll switch over to Pluto Tv.

    Streaming is for normies who clearly can’t make decisions lol

      • Well it’s YouTube Tv so its more like cable. Lots of channels happen to show things I like still - I’m still really into adult swim and just started watching Teenage Euthanasia and Royal Crackers.

        I still watch older sitcoms too. Like right now I’m watching Newsradio. I’m also into like some game shows so there’s a lot to choose from there although I tend to go for the weirder stuff. I got hooked on watching Hollywood Squares for like a week lol

        I have regular YouTube but I’ve never really watched anyone who just makes youtube videos except I watched Report of the Week for awhile. Unfortunately as much as I like the guy who does those, Reviewbrah - he’s reviewing fast food and I have a terrible time fighting cravings if I watch his reviews. So I had to stop watching his channel. Fucker got me to gain like 40 lbs probably.

        •  Naatan   ( @Naatan@lemmy.one ) 
          21 year ago

          Gotcha, lucky you that the algorithm seems to align with your viewing habits. For me I’d say I easily waste the quoted 10 minutes to find something to watch on YouTube.

          • Whoa, yeah I never take 10 minutes to look for something to watch. Maybe 2-3 minutes? And that’s only if I have a case of being extra indecisive.

            After reading through the comments and talking to some other people, it seems the real issue is that people don’t know what they want to watch. I already know what I like. So that’s some weird advantage I have cause it seems more common that people don’t even know what they really like watching.

            I often use to describe myself as very picky because I would always want to watch specific things where as other people around me always wanted to just watch whatever was new or out at the time. So I just always have this mindset of, I know what I want to see next.

            Also YouTube Tv isn’t like YouTube with algorithm. It’s more like cable tv. I have tv network channels to choose from and I can set shows to record so its more like when you had cable or satellite back in like 2010.