• Many terminal emulators (may or may not be configurable), including Termux for Android (not configurable)
      • GitHub (by default)
      • SourceHut (not configurable)
      • Vim/Neovim (by default)
      • HTML (by default, I think)

      Honestly, I can’t think of an environment that doesn’t have 8-space tabs by default.

      • Interesting…

        Every IDE and editor (gui and tui) I’ve used has always come preconfigured with a tab-size of 4.

        The only thing I’ve ever experienced having a tab-size of 8 was github, and I thought that was just a problem with a setting from github’s size that I quickly set back to 4.

        It seems that tui editors come with tab-sizes of 8 only when a config isn’t provided, and every environment I’ve used where I’ve used a tui editor has always come with sensible configs (for things like config location, language recognition for syntax highlighting, etc…) including a tab-size of 4.