• If the greedy rich bastards hadn’t shut down operations in the US and sent it all to China for the sake of not paying higher wages/ avoiding unions 40 years ago, We may not have had Huawei or any of many of the draconian peer like clones emerge in China.

    The US oligarchy is mostly to blame for the loss of this industry. Now that it has a foot hold in China and it’s making their 1% that money you’re damn right they’ll do anything to keep it that way.

    All of it is a sickness, bloody smart phones can burn in blazes for all i care.

      • CCP loyalists only pay lip service to thier…ahem.…“communism” while stuffing their fat capitalist wallets and exploiting their own people now.

        Wealthy Chinese corporatists entwined with CCP leaders really are the ultimate example of why there is no war worse then the class war. Two faced hypocrites playing all sides.