It’s apparent the Frankenstein’s monster of a combat vehicle is even less than the sum of its crude components.

    • Nah, not second best. That’s probably just Americans that still haven’t registered that the Soviet Union is gone. Generally there was an awareness that the glory days of the USSR was gone and that Russia’s small economy could only maintain a crude army.

      However, people didn’t think that it was THIS bad. This is bad even for Russia’s military budget, where one can only assume that there was a lot of corruption on all levels to produce the state of the army at the start of the war. And of course, with things like this, it just got worse by the day.

    • Eh, you can never be too sure that they’re that incapable. There was a post from some Ukrainians the other day, saying that despite all the articles deeming the Russian military tragically useless, there are still some bloodthirsty and horrendous people fighting for Russia out there on the battlefield. And it is a bloody battlefield for both sides, whether the people there want to be a part of it or not.

      But on the other hand I suppose it is reassuring for western countries citizens to read all the articles saying how weak Russia might be.

      • I don’t think anyone considers them not to be incredibly dangerous. But in terms of logistics, organization, strategy, and leadership they have proven to be nothing like they were imagined.

        I am no expert but my understanding is that plain old artillery is the main tool being used in this conflict, and that’s like how long have people been shooting cannons at one another? If you have 20x as much artillery as your more competent opponent you’re still very dangerous.

        I wish Ukraine the best vs the invaders and I think they will prevail, but there is no doubt the cost will be high.