• Any parent can tell you that a hungry child isn’t capable of doing any complex activity. Attempting to educate a kid who hasn’t eaten in god knows how long, for whatever reason, isn’t going to work.

    Beyond that, universal school breakfast and lunch help people who can afford it by removing yet another thing for parents to worry about. And it eliminates the stigma of only the poor kids getting free lunches.

    Republicans have been disdainful of public education since before I was born, so they’re trying to make it fail by continuing to spend money trying to teach hungry kids.

    • And it eliminates the stigma of only the poor kids getting free lunches.

      The stigma is the point.

      Conservatives believe receiving charity should be shameful.

      Because conservatives (and neoliberals) think poverty is a personal moral failure - if you’re poor, it’s not because society and capitalism and racism and structural inequality screwed you over, it’s because you, personally, were lazy or wasted your money or broke the law or didn’t work hard enough.

      So if a child can’t afford a school lunch, it’s because their parents are bad people. And shaming that child with an obvious “free lunch” (I remember having a bright red card that I had to show in the cafeteria, and the lunch lady would sneer at me and loudly proclaim “here is your FREE LUNCH” and hand me a cheese sandwich and an apple when the other kids were getting pizza just to make sure everybody knew my parents were poor) teaches the child to be ashamed of their parents and be ashamed of their poverty so they’ll work harder to avoid poverty as adults.

      And if schools give every child free lunch, not only do they lose that “teaching opportunity”, they teach children that food is a right and that everybody, no matter their economic status, should have enough to eat, which is a direct attack on the fundamental principles of capitalism and American society.

      Go into a conservative space and tell them people have a right to food and shelter and medical care and watch them froth in rage.

    • Ohhh, they’re opposing universal free meals while wanting to keep the free meals for students from poor families. That makes way more sense than opposing both. Not cartoonishly evil. It’s possible that it’s for purely utilitarian reasons.

      Typical politics taking things out of context and extrapolating.

      (No, I am not endorsing the republican party or saying that universal free meals for students should be blocked.)

      • It isn’t quite as insane as the headline makes it sound.

        But anyway, maybe Republicans are worried that if anyone sees a “socialist” type of program at work they might think it is kind of a good idea in certain circumstances. O noes 😨