Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • The employment trainer is showing a YT video explaining how to make a table in Word, including how to convert the data into rows and columns.

    This is very good for some people, but I want to rip my ears off, spoon out my eyes, and throw them at my monitor. My brains are melting out of my ears, I was privileged to learn how to do this in highschool in the 2000s.

    Edit: JUST USE EXCEL 😭😭😭

    Editedit: also not the trainers fault, Workforce gives them a curriculum to follow and cover.

      • Definitely the case, the trainer said as much and apologised to those of us who already know how to use those programs effectively. She didn’t have to apologise lol Workforce gives them the curriculum, they dont really get to choose which vids to show, etc.

    • It sucks that they won’t give you recognition for prior learning. When I was retrenched during GFC I had to go in there and learn how to turn a computer on, how to log in to windows, how to create folders and drag-and-drop files, how to write a resume, and they expected me to put all those “skills” on my resume.

      I pointed out that these are basic skills in every office job; should I also list knowledge of use of photocopier, how to change paper in photocopier, how to plug accessories into usb, how to operate hot water in tearoom? (They did concede that I was outside of their target audience and just gave me a pass for the whole course).