Castro v. Trump, a case challenging Trump’s candidacy with the 14th Amendment, is expected to decided by the justices on or before October 9.

    • I understand the 14th doesn’t require a conviction. But the SC ruling that Trump does not need to be removed from the ballot sure would look an awful lot like a ruling of “not guilty of insurrection” to a sizable segment of the population.

      And the SC ruling that Trump should be removed from the ballot (1) will begin an absolute shitstorm and (2) opens up plenty of other candidates and politicians to shitty political games around this. How strongly can you criticize the actions of the federal or state governments with regards to LGBT rights, abortion, etc before you’re “providing aid or comfort to the enemies [of the US]”?

      And any ruling is going to entrench everyone further into their view of “activist judges” that are part of a “politically-motivated” court.

      I know that “half the country is insane” isn’t a great reason to avoid this, but honestly applying a hastily passed and vaguely written post Civil War provision to this current situation in our current society seems like it will do more harm than good.