• I’m kind of a beginner… Can someone explain why you would make/use/have a dynamically and/or weak typed language? Is it just to not write some toInteger / as u64 / try_from()? I mean the drawbacks seem to outweigh the benefits…

    • The typical arguments for a dynamic typed language are that it takes less time to write something in it.

      The benefits of static typed languages are that your development environment can be a lot smarter (ironically enough leading to faster development speed) and several classes of bugs being unable to happen. In a statically typed language, the IDE can detect if you’re trying to call a function that takes a number but you’re actually providing a string. In this case the IDE will let you know and you can immediately fix silly mistakes like that.

    • If you are writing small and simple apps it will give you more velocity and much less boiler plate.

      As apps grow it becomes harder to keep track of things and can quickly grow into a mess. You then start to need external tools to give you the features of a strong static type system.

      Also from a web point of view you don’t want the website to crash and burn with every error. JS will power through things like invalid types. Imagine if any error caused the website to just stop.

    • They used to be more attractive around the 2000s, before type inference became commonplace and when IDEs/editors were still a lot less powerful.

      As for making a dynamically typed language, to my knowledge, they are actually easier to create than statically typed languages…