The computer game is great and the dev team exemplary when it comes to support and updates- do you think it will translate well into a boardgame?
The computer game is great and the dev team exemplary when it comes to support and updates- do you think it will translate well into a boardgame?
I’m defaulting to “skip”; these sorts of direct adaptations tend to be mediocre at best. Minecraft Builders & Biomes was decent but the important thing was that it was a decent game with a Minecraft skin, rather than a Minecraft board game. Level99’s Exceed and BattleCON are also great, primarily because the designs are about preserving important elements of player experience rather than translating any specific game into the physical space.
@rngesus_wept yeah, I find L99 does well in this space because they focus on one specific experience and optimize on that vs trying to adhere to all of the aspects (which have platform specific nuances built in).