• but the game still requires a lot of work

    I can not see that. This game is the most polished game Bethesda has ever released in my 29 years of playing Bethesda games since Arena. It’s just as polished as Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I’m 35 hours in and have barely scratched the surface, but I had only one crash and that was because my graphics card had a hiccup (driver update fixed it).

    •  twistedtxb   ( @twistedtxb@lemmy.ca ) 
      1110 months ago

      Its not bugs but QoL issues. Stuff like inventor management, map interface, triple loading screens, basic HDR support, absent FoV sliders, no DLSS support etc.

      It is a great game, but has a lot of baffling QoL problems

    • I guess the Zelda franchise isn’t what it used to be then?

      • Suit protection is apparently always depleted, even when it isn’t.
      • The game randomly freezes my entire system at least once per day, if not more, requiring me to hard reset it.
      • Followers & player character often are missing various body parts.
      • The game crashes every now and then, sometimes even during saves.
      • Sometimes assets don’t load properly, which bugged out a faction quest and boarding activity for me until I restarted the game and loaded an old save (which I luckily still had).
      • Every time you close a menu (including the container transfer menu) there’s a whole bunch of graphical glitches coming from your character loading its assets back in.
      • Player spacesuit isn’t taken off in spaceships even though I toggled the option in the inventory.
      • Outpost containers chain link breaks if you manually add or remove items from them, sort of defeating their point as storage units.
      • I somehow managed to break the rendering engine when I triggered the red mile airlock while tabbing out of the game, causing everything to be black. At first I thought I felt through the ground but I actually had to restart the game as reloading did not help and eventually also crashed the game.
      • During a quest in New Atlantis I got stuck when I had to use the EM rifle.
      • Lots and lots of possible sequence breaking that can bug out quests or other parts of the game.
      • The armory module just deletes all stored items when you edit your ship, instead of throwing it into the cargo. (Might also goes for other containers in other modules, not sure.)
      • FSR just lowers my performance instead of giving me more FPS.
      • Lots of other random graphical glitches, especially related to stacking transparency effects from like smoke for example (missiles, smoking docker in one mission, waterfalls, etc.).

      And that’s just the stuff from the top of my head after about 100 hours. I definitely had not that much and not that severe issues with Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, or Fallout 3. Kinda hoped there would be a patch for some of this stuff already.

      •  SomeDude   ( @ProcurementCat@feddit.de ) 
        10 months ago

        I literally have had none of those issues in my 40+ hours of playtime. Not even those usual creation engine bugs with NPCs walking through furniture or getting stuck in walls or so. In fact, I only now encountered my first bug: A digipick puzzle was shown incorrectly.

        The weirdest thing is that I didn’t experience any graphical glitches, even though my graphics card is below the minimum specs (RX 5600 XT).

        I had not that much and not that severe issues with Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, or Fallout

        Now that I can’t believe. Morrowind and Skyrim have been Buggy shitfests on release (can’t speak for oblivion because I didn’t play that on release)

      • Yeah not my experience either. One point you made about the armory items not moving to cargo is not accurate. I have done that twice actually and each time my mantis gear and Livingstone pistol remained in cargo. Possible big with a particular armory piece or maybe you had a full cargo hold? I just know there is more to it than that

      • I know what that term means. But that is just my gaming experience at 44h so far - my game runs absolutely stable, no clips, just one crash, no pop-ins, no graphics glitches. Only just today encountered my first visual bug in a digipick minigame.

          •  StellW   ( @StellW@lemmy.ml ) 
            210 months ago

            Personally, i got that same copy, the only bug i’ve encountered has been a missing housing that a robot would sit in, but the computer to control the robot was just floating next to it. I’ve always had weirdly good luck with Bethesda games though, so it’s not surprising for me i’ve had an almost bug-free experience

            •  WarmSoda   ( @WarmSoda@lemm.ee ) 
              210 months ago

              Point me to an asset in Tears of the Kingdom that’s just floating in mid air. I’ll hold my breath.

              I usually don’t care about small bugs and stuff. I mainly play older games and indies, so I’m fine with some bugs and odd things here and there. What gets me is Bethesda has basically trademarked having janky buggy games, and this game is no different.

              The last Zelda game is so far above Bethesdas skill level it’s ridiculous.

    • I had to save scum the groundpounder mission because I got soft locked multiple times because an enemy ran off and unloaded before I could kill them to proceed with the mission.

      Also, depending on the location, I’ve had multiple CTDs that required constant quick saving otherwise I’d have to do the same conversation repeatedly (Looking at you, GalBank in Akila City).