so my old GPU died a few days ago and I was thinking which brand of GPU to get next. AMD or Nvidia? I’ve heard Nvidia drivers are very annoying with Linux but I’ve never had an AMD GPU before. Which would be better? I’ll sometimee switch to Windows to play specific games as well.

  • What do you use your PC for? Just games? Or AI as well?

    If it’s just games, I’d go AMD. More VRAM = more better and AMD has more VRAM for the same price.

    If you want to do AI on your PC as well, I’d go Nvidia. The software support from AMD is just not there yet.

    I had no issues with Nvidia on pop os and Ubuntu, and rarely any issues on arch. That’s the bleeding of “bleeding edge” for ya, lol. But it’s a single command to roll back to a previous version of the driver, so no big deal anyway.