In a recent interview with Moscow’s state-run Russia-1, a clip of which circulated widely on social media Saturday, the newly appointed Colonel-General Andrey Mordvichev said that the war “will not stop here [in Ukraine].”

“If we are talking about Eastern Europe, which we will have to, of course then [the war] will be longer,” he added.

  •  0x815   ( ) OP
    710 months ago

    It’s not that I think you’ll understand given your ‘assumption’, but as Russia is the aggressor here and it was Russia that invaded Ukraine, your comment doesn’t make any sense.

    • It does imo. The headline suggests that the general plans to invade europe. But actually in his (fucked up) worldview he frames the west of wanting to invade russia. Would be a completely different story. That Russia IS the aggressor is irrelevant to the generals subjective view, ain’t it?