Being forced to use a particular OS, hardware or programming language? Working remotely? Certain company structure?

  • I will quit if I don’t feel happy anymore, which most likely because of people. If colleagues I like are all gone, I probably go somewhere else.

    Sometimes it might be the salary which causes people to leave.

    • I read about the term “silent quitting”: quitting without any prior warning, just handing in the resignation without a chance to remedy the situation.

      Sometimes it might be the salary which causes people to leave.

      Definitely. Got the highest pay bumps when switching. Was only a reason to switch once for me though. Is salary the most important factor for you?

      • I am okay with some discount on my salary if I am really happy with my colleagues. We go to work every day, it is important to be happy.

        If most of my friends are gone, and the salary is not satifactory, I will definitely quit for higher pay!

      •  Juggs   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        I’m likely to do that shortly. I’m in an environment with a few toxic colleagues who know fuck all about what needs to be done, or how to do it, but manage to impact decision making and cast doubt on my abilities and deliverables to date. I have had to step outside of my role to deliver multiple big ticket tasks (e.g. I’ve been brought on to uplift code for multiple applications, but have also had to build a MEM deployment from scratch as there was no endpoint management), but no-one has the knowledge or the interest in taking over the finished products, expecting I’ll add it to my responsibilities.

        A job is about to open up elsewhere that I’ve been encouraged to apply for, so I’ll keep trudging along and will let them know at my notice period. I’ve tried so hard to get involved with no luck, so now they’ll be forced to take interest.