• Somewhat of a tangent, but can we stop caring about the location where a product was made and focus solely on quality itself? Like, I bet the counterfeiters make a lot of money by producing quality cheese that taste just as good but are just made somewhere else.

    •  neptune   ( @neptune@dmv.social ) 
      910 months ago

      Some foods do have specific, regional character. Is the milk or yeast from the next county over going to make a cheese that tastes the same? Idk but you can get very similar styles of cheese made elsewhere.

      That all being said, I can see why calling same thing Parmesan when it’s not from Parma, is not entirely truthful, if consumers care about origin. Which in the EU they certainly do.

    • You have a good point. At the same time, I’d like to pay what I think I’m getting. If someone is selling me something and making me think it’s something else, I think that’s wrong.

      • If it wasn’t strictly bound to origin but could be, say, at least “licensed out” (perhaps with the places of origin still at least getting a small cut) it could be a win-win-win.

        But as it is it’s just artificially inflating prices of goods that are potentially just as good (or in some cases potentially even worse) than some alternatives.

      • No, quality is independent of location of production. Proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say. Reputation is tied to the producer. Quality is tied to an individual instance of the product. Thats why certain things have QA tags. This technology doesn’t represent quality. It only verifies sourcing.

    •  Master   ( @Master@lemm.ee ) 
      110 months ago

      As long as the counterfeit cheese meets all production regulations and is safe to eat I dont care. But the truth is the counterfeit probably cut amlot of corners and isn’t that safe and if people get sick will be much harder to track and prevent future issues.

      • It likely ranges. A lot of time the counterfeit is good cheese, it’s just not from the correct region. It’s not like buying a “Soony Walkman” or something. And if you can’t tell it’s counterfeit by how it tastes after the fact, then who is this program protecting?