• The only saving grace here is he talks a lot of shit all the time and then doesn’t follow through. His first term was supposed to be wild too. They were going to build a wall across North America and Mexico was going to pay for it. Never happened. He was going to force companies to not ship jobs overseas. Never happened. They were going to stop all Muslims coming into the country. They tried, but failed. He was going to assign a special prosecutor to lock up Hillary Clinton. Never happened. They were going to repeal Obamacare on day one… The list goes on and on. He’s full of shit all the time.

    • The Million Americans dead from a purposefully sandbagged and mishandled COVID response beg to differ with your analysis in just how ruinous the Trump presidential term, was. Do they not count? Trump personally packed the Supreme Court with anti abortionists, who then killed Roe dead, do America’s women not count? Doesn’t matter what anyone says it’s what they do. Trump did so much lasting damage to the United States it will take decades to undo. The next bite of the apple will kill it deader than Dillinger. It doesn’t matter how much shit he talks, it’s what he’s able to destroy once given the power. That’s all the racists care about.

    • Trump never expected to win in 2016 and had no understanding of how the government worked, on any level. He still likely has no understanding how much of the government works, but he now understands how to warp it to protect and serve himself, and you bet against him doing so from day one at your peril.