This is of course not including the yearly Unity subscription, where Unity Pro costs $2,040 per seat (although they may have Enterprise pricing)

Absolutely ridiculous. Many Unity devs are saying they’re switching engines on social media.

  •  4am   ( ) 
    10 months ago

    The enshittification continues.

    Watch for more products that enable normal people to do great things to become paywalled. Only your gatekeeper masters may direct the market, and the creativity. In their infinite wisdom, they demand the control of gods.

    Billionaires are a mistake.

    EDIT: and I love the bait-and-switch of charging anyone who ever used Unity, even under different terms. Electric chair for the CEO.

    •  Bonehead   ( ) 
      10 months ago

      I’m starting to see enshittification as part of the cycle of renewal in capitalism. Don’t get me wrong…it’s a completely foolish and disasterous way of doing things, and billionaires are a black mark on society as a whole, but innovation happens when you take away the established tools.

      Twitter is a good example. Elon seriously accelerated the enshittification, and now it’s tanking. Meanwhile, alternatives are springing up at breakneck speeds to replace it. Which one will win the war is anyone’s guess, but Twitter will be the loser regardless. Reddit is another one. And Digg before it. As one commits corporate seppuku, others step in to take its place.

      While it sucks for anyone caught in the crossfire, and the ones responsible for nuking a corporate landscape often skip away with a golden parachute, it usually leads to a shakeup that can bring amazing innovations. The key is to get in on the next wave, hope you picked the winner, and make sure you get out before shit hits the fans this time.