I made a blog post about my experience switching from Unity to Godot earlier this year, and some tips for Unity devs.

  • You can use C# (don’t)

    C# users are second-class citizens in Godot. Many features such as web exports don’t work with C# projects, and C# often has bugs specific to it and often lacks tutorials/documentation

    … welp. So… any more details on this? I’m not learning a single-purpose language.

      • I’m sure you’re right, and it looks serviceable. It’s not really about that, though. I’ve done the “learn a new language” thing many, many times. It gets old and I’m sort of over it - it’s not as fun as it once was, particularly now I have my favorite that I know well and am good at.

        • GDScript works almost 1-1 like Python. Any experience with Python almost instantly translates into knowing what to do in GDSCript, but not necessarily the other way around, as their script has a couple more builtin features.

        • If you’ve done it a lot then you know how easy it is to get up and running with a new language.

          Really, it’s not that hard. GDscript is not some archaic clunker like COBOL with outdated paradigms, nor some esoteric joke language like Brainfuck that’s just pointlessly difficult. You’re going to be fine with it inside of a day.

    • C# works fine, lots of Godot projects are using it.

      That said, consider learning GD Script? Even if it’s only used by Godot, it’s simple, well integrated with the editor and is awesome for quickly building out your game.

      Besides, it’s very Python-esque. Whether you know Python or not, it’s syntax is very straightforward and easy to work with.

    • I’ve been working in Godot for about 3 years now, and have never touched GDScript. I personally haven’t felt like a second class citizen, and have rarely run into C# specific bugs, or found the documentation was missing for C#, other than when I was using the GD4 betas.

      That being said, I’m not currently targeting web or mobile with my hobby projects, and I know those are open issues with the C# support.

      My 2c.

    • The C# version of the project is separate from the main one. It is possible to entirely code a game in c++ though in the main one (you can use both c++ and gdscript in it in one game interchangeably). Gdscript is a really easy language to learn though and is similar to other scripting languages (the only things you really need to learn is some keywords godot added to make coding in it easier when using things in the engine. Stuff like node names etc you would have to learn regardless of the language you’re using)