This happened last year, but it’s a reminder that “stray bullets” (i.e. moving vehicles) are still a danger to everyone.

    • When this happened it was all over Chicago biking twitter. If I recall correctly there eventually emerged a video of the driver running a red light and plowing through the pedestrian island into the pole. If someone was on the pedestrian island at the time they would’ve been killed. This crosswalk has been extremely dangerous for years and there’s been lots of protests and action to try to get the city to fix it.

    • it appears the wind also carefully scattered car debris around the stump of the lamp post in the second photo contained in that tweet. i guess it was covering its tracks, trying to throw us off its scent.

      but if u, like, need SUPER EVIDENCE PROOF to believe that, uh, cars are dangerous and run into things in the same place all the goddam time, here you go

            • i… i’m not circlejerking over anything. the same thing happened in my city to the ghost bike of a good good man. this shit is very sad and extremely sucks.

              look i’m sorry that Canadian Cycling Magazine doesn’t meet your journalistic standards or whatever, but “this is clickbait” is a very weird reaction to this article. sometimes the tweet is all the information there is and publishing it elsewhere helps inform people who are not on twitter–of whom i am one, and was one back in december, 2022 when the op’s article was published.

              at this point, i think you’re actually mad about something else. i don’t know what that is, but a normal reaction to someone taking the time to answer you questions about veracity is, “oh, thanks” and not… whatever this is.

              (ps: it’s interesting to me that you called BLU “a guy.” it feels kind of like calling the ACLU “a guy.”)