• Conversely, he could do (well, did) essentially nothing for a few years while the housing and affordability crisis intensifies and somehow there’d still be a Greek chorus of red party kool-aid drinkers telling non-partisan Canadians that he’s the second coming of Christ.

    • red party Kool-Aid drinkers

      Is that a thing? Really? Or is that just blue party Kool-Aid drinker projection like the, “alt-left”?

      I think that if you step out of your echo bunker and take an honest look you’re going to find that many people who vote Liberal do so while plugging their noses. I do. Trudeau has been an incredible disappointment to me. He’s far too right wing for my tastes. I would rather have a liberal leader who was actually a liberal rather than a center right corporate stooge. We just know that electing Pierre Polievre would be a far worse option.

      Speaking of alt-right projection…can you name any alt-left talking heads, or alt-left organizations? Do you have any contemporary Canadian examples? I mean, most of us can name dozens of alt-right taking heads and alt-right organizations. I think that the alt-left is an alt-right boogieman made up by the alt-right to make itself feel better about its extremism. Like, “We’re not as bad as everyone says we are because there’s an alt-left that’s doing the same things that were doing.” but no one can name them.

      Red party Kool-Aid drinkers are the same thing.