we accidentally did the upgrade just now, which is what you just experienced. anyways we’re at like double the power and processing, and three times the storage we were previously at so yeah hopefully that’ll be good. anyways i guess i’ll leave this post stickied until i go to sleep in like an hour

  • If you don’t mind my asking, what hardware were y’all using beforehand? I’m looking to host my own instance, but starting as a noob. I know how to build computers but I’m trying to go further.

    • Beehaw is hosted on DigitalOcean, not sure what price range at this point as I know it’s been upgraded recently. It’s really easy to spin up one of their “droplets” and get started on a project.

      I just got a 14$ droplet with 1 vCPU and 2 gigs of ram with weekly backups. I like their interface and have been happy with it overall so far. Hoping to start up my own lemmy instance for learning purposes, though a bit daunting as apparently the docker instructions are incomplete.