Recently, I switched from Windows to Linux, tried many distros, and ended up with the Ubuntu rolling-release. Things went well for some days, but I started facing some issues like printer issues, gaming performance issues, and overall Ubuntu performance issues. So, I switched to where it all started, which is Windows 10. Now I’m on Windows, but the likeness and pleasure of using Linux are still with me. 

So, what I wanted was a faster, rolling-release, easy-to-use distro with easy installation of Nvidia proprietary drivers. 

What I have now planned is Fedora, because I like it. The issue with Fedora is that I can easily install the Nvidia driver, unlike Ubuntu. Can I search for the driver in the store or something else?

Or anything better than a fedora.

Graphics card: GT 730. I quit gaming, so gaming was not an issue anymore.

  • So, what I wanted was a faster, rolling-release, easy-to-use with easy installation of Nvidia proprietary drivers

    EndeavourOS. It’s Arch-based, so it’s a rolling release, the install Nvidea driver option is right on the boot menu when you first install, it’s easy to use (and easy to install) and has a Wecome tool to help you navigate if you’re not used to Arch. And, at least in my experience, it’s fast

    There’s some drawbacks tho. It’s on the lighter side: good if you wanna pick and choose what you wanna have on your system, not so good if you want something that’s ready to go OOTB. Another thing is most of the action takes place in the Terminal, hence the “terminal-centric distro” thing. That’s easily fixable tho, since you can either re-enable your Discover shop (KDE), the Gnome software center’s already good to go, or just install Octopi or Pamac if you really don’t wanna use the terminal for stuff.

    Give it a go if you. It cured my distrohopping and basically ensured I’ll never go back to Windows (long term anyways. Temporarily, well, sometimes you gotta).