What kind of launch screen customization do people do? I used to use dashboard with copy-pasted config from its readme, but recently I’ve found it more useful to make it open my org note right upon launch, because that’s what I do most of the time.
I have never used one (opens to scratch buffer) but I’ve seen some really well configured start screens and this is making me want to build one - will report back if I actually put something together.
What kind of launch screen customization do people do? I used to use dashboard with copy-pasted config from its readme, but recently I’ve found it more useful to make it open my org note right upon launch, because that’s what I do most of the time.
I have never used one (opens to scratch buffer) but I’ve seen some really well configured start screens and this is making me want to build one - will report back if I actually put something together.
@kotatsuyaki @Berserkware I have #emacs open on my scratch buffer, and I have it use Org mode by default.
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t initial-scratch-message nil initial-major-mode 'org-mode)