• Huh, surprisingly I’m only familiar with the last 3 on the list, Zero Caliber, Rick & Morty Virtual Rickality, and Stride.

      I own these 3 though I haven’t gotten around to the Rock and Morty game yet, but Stride is a really fun game and concept, it’s effectively Mirrors Edge VR. It’s got multiplayer and time trials and a fair amount of replayability. It hasn’t been in my rotation for a while, but it was a fun game.

      Zero Caliber VR when I played it was a tech demo mostly so it looks like it’s a more fully fledged game now. It felt good back then, so it’s got a strong foundation at least.

      • Interestingly, those are the ones that caught my eye as well. I usually ignore the option of buying an “incomplete” bundle, but maybe I’ll go for the cheap option this time. Mirrors Edge VR sounds amazing, if my stomach can handle it.

        Thanks for this!

        • Totally! One thing I’d note about Stride is just make sure that the gameplay movement is interesting for you - it’s a bit of arm swinging and raising the controllers. So it can be engaging but only as engaging as you make it out to be.

          I might suggest watching a video of gameplay in game and in VR if only to confirm it’s something that may be fun for you!