• I remember way back on reddit after hearing the neuralink buzz, I went to /r/neuralink and asked questions about how they would prevent infections with such procedures.
    The answer?
    “Well its just on the outer skin and doesn’t really pass the blood brain barrier so its fine”, I felt so validated and was blown away by how laissez-faire they were with infections, guess that little blurb was company policy!

    •  ink   ( @ink@r.nf ) 
      201 year ago

      Reddit is a now a marketing/customer relations platform disguised as a discussion forum, and has been since it got big long ago. Hundreds of bot account post nonsensical bs around the site for appearing natural until it’s their time to defend a corporation with some anecdotes. This is why smaller fediverse instances are important.

      Say anything critical about a company on a popular subreddit, and there’s a horde of accounts repeating and upvoting the companies talking points. especially if the company has its own subreddit.

      “I hate elon musk but… here’s why it’s actually good thing” "I hate apple but… " "I hate trump but… " "I’m not a fan but… " "I’m not a conservative but… "

      Trying to appear as neutral as possible while defending every negative attention against the mother ship.

    • Lol, sorry what? You don’t need to implant an object inside someone to get an infection. A cut is enough. I mean why do MMA fighters suffer staph infections so much?

      It’s not even a lackadaisical view for a doctor, it’s just medical wrong. Something tells me these highly respected doctors were likely not that highly respected. I mean what kind of person is Elon going to attract. Think about it.