Absolutely one of the best openings ever

    • I think other than Lain I haven’t seen any of them, and will give them a go. Tokyo Ghoul might be a little later tho, after watching 1 episode I felt I need to be in a specific type of mood to give it a proper watching.

      I’m open to recommendations across categories.

      • Tokyo Ghoul first season is amazing, after that it gets progressively more unwatchable IMO, but if you have the time it’s okay.

        Here are some of my favorites, excluding the ones we already talked about: Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Black Lagoon, Golden Kamuy, Your Lie in April, Kill La Kill, Ergo Proxy, Cowboy Bebop

        And I know what you mean, all of these you should be in the right mood for, otherwise it would be a waste.

        These are also nice: Trigun (everything except Stampede), Claymore, Eureka 7, Last Exile, Gangsta, Jormungand, Gargantia On The Verduous Planet, Dagashi Kashi, Gun Grave, No Guns No Life, Outlaw Star, Michiko & Hatchin, Dimension W, Violet Evergarden, Hellsing Ultimate, Space Dandy

        Most of these are adventure/action/scifi/postapocalyptic, crews of people/outlaws often on ships or space ships. That is my thing.

          • Claymore is the only one I’ve watched that comes close to the feel of Berserk, tho they aren’t on the same level. And if you like Eureka 7, Last Exile and Gargantia on the Verduous Planet are very similar. Also I’m watching Xam’d now, it’s also similar, but it’s not very good compared to these.

            Have fun