Interesting from a Tory perspective: Sunak’s u-turn on net zero will probably be slightly negative overall for the Cosnervative’s election prospects.

  • He isn’t.

    Anecdotally, EVERY Tory voter I know in my life has now switched or given up. That is my parents, family, close friends, and my friend’s dad who used to be head of a large conservative council here in the UK in the 90s.

    •  frog 🐸   ( ) 
      39 months ago

      It’s actually kind of surprising that the polling still puts around 25% of the population as voting Tory. Where are these people? It’s all anecdotal of course, but I’ve not encountered a single person that was pro-Conservative in the last 12 months. Maybe they’re just being really, really quiet about it, while all the people that have given up on them are all too happy to talk about it (even with complete strangers - I seem to have resting “please tell me your views on politics” face 😀 )