•  rumschlumpel   ( @ichmagrum@feddit.de ) 
    1 year ago

    The majority of self-checkouts I’ve tried were such a clusterfuck of bad UI design, and it’s made worse by the requirement to have a human check your ID when you’re buying alcohol etc., which is a huge bottleneck when a lot of people are using SC. And when you inevitably push some wrong button that puts you into a situation you can’t get out of without employee intervention, you (as an introvert) are in a far worse situation than if you had just used a regular checkout (though cashiers in my country don’t really do small-talk, which obviously helps a lot from an introvert perspective).

    • Yeah I absolutely prefer the regular checkout. They don’t care if I say a word or not. It’s faster and more convenient and it is 100 times less awkward than waiting for help or sneaking away when you realize this isn’t working and you need regular checkout. Stupid Rewe stupid herbs that don’t weigh enough I CAN’T MAKE THEM WEIGH MORE you stupid scale with your stupid put the scanned product on the basket side