• If you did act more like him he’d end up being insecure. He’s a bully and that’s what his people likes. Finally getting the win’s they have thought about in the showers for the last decade. It seems silly to use names and bully, but it works great on humans.

      •  Hot Saucerman   ( @dingus@lemmy.ml ) 
        1 year ago

        This is the thing that blows my mind the most. If you just went in on this turd and called him out and called him names and called him stupid, he would absolutely lose his shit and lose control of his faculties. He absolutely is a fucking baby and cannot handle being bullied himself.

        I know it seems backwards, but bullying bullies tends to work. They are bullies because they are pussies who get away with abusing others. The second they face consequences, the crocodile tears roll out. My opinion is let 'em fucking cry about it, this is how they wanted to play the game.

        • If the media did this and called him on his bs, I bet we’d be done with this fucker long ago. No, they baby him act like the things he says make sense and are acceptable. Do these news people not have to live with the monster that they helped create?

            •  Hot Saucerman   ( @dingus@lemmy.ml ) 
              1 year ago

              Seriously anyone calling him out for his age, his obesity, his weakness, his senility, the fact that he has to smell like absolute shit wherever he goes. Make him bend over and lift something heavy to prove his prowess and if he won’t do it lift it yourself and then chuck it at the fat fucking piece of shit.

              Fuck, just go up on the debate stage with a big safety pin over your nose and make the next hour expounding on how awful he smells between spewing vomit (preferably all over Trump) because of the smell.