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Yet another slice of pure gold from her. She’s become my favourite author of horror/weird/thriller fiction. I’m not going to say anything about the plot but the book itself is another one of her multi-layered descents into a place where you’re unsure what’s true and what’s not until the very final reveal. Dark, quiet and measured with slices of genuine horror, her style always reminds me a lot of Peter Straub’s best work like Koko or Ghost Story.

‘Holly’ is also very good, but for different reasons. I always have preferred King’s shorter works like Revival or Carrie to his big monster doorstopper novels, which always feel flabby and overwrought to me. And he struck gold when he created the character of Holly Gibney. She’s as immensely likeable as ever and has more shit to go through in this one. It’s pointless talking about King’s style as everyone already knows what they’re getting so if you appreciate it when King reins in the worst of his tendency to waffle, you’ll like this one.

  •  Gamma   ( ) 
    19 months ago

    How would you compare Looking Glass Sound to Ward’s other novels? I really enjoyed Needless Street but couldn’t get through Sundial, I think I only got half way through before I had to give up

    • I might not be able to be objective as I’ve loved all of her stuff so far :)

      It’s got that vibe that both the novels you name have - that slow unpeeling of many layers - but I guess it’s pace is more like NS than Sundial.

      •  Gamma   ( ) 
        9 months ago

        Pacing was one of my biggest complaints with Sundial, I’ll have to give it a shot! Not available yet from the library but 🤞 soon

        Already have Holly on hold, ~6 weeks away! Thanks for sharing your thoughts here 😄