This ain’t about young men for you, this is about gun control and you are using this tragedy as vector of attack.
the biggest disservice you can do to men in the US and their high rate of suicide is to pretend that the rate has nothing to do with the prevalence of guns in this country and the normalization of irresponsible firearm ownership (especially by men). i would go so far as to say it is actively pro-male suicide to take such a position because of how well established the causal links here are.
Idiot parents not securing their weapons are the key culprit… Can minor even purchase a gun?
even in this narrow window, you are literally describing why it is a gun policy issue and not just a social issue. there is no obligation or requirement to securely store firearms, meaning it’s often quite trivial for young people, the impulsive, or people who otherwise would not have access to a firearm to illicitly acquire them and do harm to themselves or others with them. this could be made much harder with some fairly common-sense regulations, but even those are fought against in this country even though they’re pretty normal in other countries.
the biggest disservice you can do to men in the US and their high rate of suicide is to pretend that the rate has nothing to do with the prevalence of guns in this country and the normalization of irresponsible firearm ownership (especially by men). i would go so far as to say it is actively pro-male suicide to take such a position because of how well established the causal links here are.
This is a social issue, not a gun policy issue.
Idiot parents not securing their weapons are the key culprit… Can minor even purchase a gun?
even in this narrow window, you are literally describing why it is a gun policy issue and not just a social issue. there is no obligation or requirement to securely store firearms, meaning it’s often quite trivial for young people, the impulsive, or people who otherwise would not have access to a firearm to illicitly acquire them and do harm to themselves or others with them. this could be made much harder with some fairly common-sense regulations, but even those are fought against in this country even though they’re pretty normal in other countries.
For example in NC:
It is unlawful to store or leave a firearm that can be discharged in a manner that a reasonable person should know is accessible to a minor.
Is this not enough? What regulation do you think would inspired brain dead parents to be more responsible?
Hold the dead kid’s parents accountable for it.