• Finally finished The 3 Body Problem (thank you to everyone who encouraged me to keep going) and then read a quick novella called The End We Start From, which is being made into a movie starring Jodie Comer. Trying not to start anything because one of my holds is in transit but when it arrives I will be reading House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski.

      • I’ve read it 2 months ago - it was really cool and it was an easier read than I expected, you have to be focused while reading but don’t actually have to worry all that much about missing some small details or whatever. Just go with the flow, parts of this book are intentionally written to make your eyes glaze over. There’s plenty of stuff to overanalyze for weeks if you really want to understand everything, but it works fine for a single casual read. Wasn’t all that scary either (but take that with a grain of salt, I’m basically immune to most horror media).