From September 1. I may start working in smaller/mid size brewery so I would like to know if there are only homebrewers.

Do you have some insights or tips from working in commercial brewerys?

And don’t get me wrong I will still make some homebrew but probably not beer - for few years I am making cider and want to try mead.

  • I will be making mead when I get honey. Now I am in contact with beekeeper and probably will get some bits of honey/wax mix residue from honey extraction (don’t know how to call it in English).

    Is there any difference compared to only honey? I would dilute it to my liking and pitch yeast and nutrients.

    • No there shouldn’t be any big differences! The wax or other items should just drop out as you are fermenting, or will float to the top where they won’t be an issue if you rack it. I would try to removed any big chunks or any dead bees. Also your english was perfect! That’s what I would call it too.

        • Oh, I understand what you meant now! You’re not using honey with bits of wax and residue, you’re using the honey and wax residue from the harvest process. Hmm, I’m not sure how well that would work out, but please post some photos of the process you use as I am quite interested!

    • I would imagine the mixture you’re referring to would taste a bit like chewing on a honeycomb, so a bit of propolis flavour in there, might shine through a bit medicinal as a first thought. That doesn’t mean it’s bad though.

      Do note that the beeswax content might give you some issues with clarity since it’s not really soluble in the alcohol amount your usual mead has and you may end up with funky floaters.

      Nice one on getting it straight from the beekeeper! I’d be curious to find out what using the mixture you’ve got there yields.