•  nyan   ( @nyan@lemmy.cafe ) 
    89 months ago

    So the (likely high) “undecided” percentage is . . . Oh, wait . . .

    Plus, we’re not in the run-up to an election right now. There’s plenty of time for Polievre to shoot himself in the foot before it starts to matter. Or for Trudeau to do something that garners him a lot of positive press, although that seems less likely.

    (To put it another way, this is fearmongering. Vote when the time comes, but don’t pay too much attention otherwise.)

    • Voter suppression like with the last Ontario election. News media is in on it. Fuck I wish we had proportional representation. We have a clear majority of parties that represent the majority of Canadians and aren’t Conservative fuck wits.

      •  rbesfe   ( @rbesfe@lemmy.ca ) 
        9 months ago

        I hate our electoral system as much as the next person, but as an Ontarian I can tell you that our low participation was entirely our own doing.

        I’m definitely mad that DoFo won a majority with a minority of the votes, but with something like 40% turnout I mainly put the blame at the feet of the apathetic losers who didn’t show up. Young people especially, out of my close friend group of 10 people there were 2 of us (including myself) who voted.