Reading about FOSS philosophy, degoogling, becoming against corporations, and now a full-blown woke communist (like Linus Torvalds)

  • I think if we cooperate like our gentle cousins the Bonobos for a century or two we’d basically have Star Trek. Instead we (Americans) are spending 3x the cost of housing the homeless on hostile architecture and armed goons to raid/destroy their camps with the aim of making our metally ill & vulnerable as invisible as possible- while we slaughter animals we know are able to suffer & grieve as powerfully as any of our beloved dogs, en masse, at absurd environmental cost, washed and neatly sealed from any evident cruelty so they can be consumed or spoil, 50/50 with hardly a thought.

    The concept of cooperation transcends any flawed man. We can do better than this but continuing to enable the psychopaths that got us here seems beyond impractical.

    • I think if we cooperate like our gentle cousins the Bonobos for a century or two we’d basically have Star Trek.

      Bonobos are limited in their geographic reach to a small area in the Congo. They might not be the best model for how humans should behave. Even if they’re relatively peaceful, they still are highly territorial and will engage in warfare if needed. And if we lived in that manner we likely wouldn’t be able to support a population much higher than them (10-30k per million sq miles depending on the estimates you’re looking for). There’s about 25 million square miles of habitable land on the planet so we’d have a global population of 750k people so we’d have to kill of roughly 8.01 billion people to accomplish this goal.

      The concept of cooperation transcends any flawed man. We can do better than this but continuing to enable the psychopaths that got us here seems beyond impractical.

      The concept of cooperation is at the core of the modern western society too. It’s at the core of any society really.

      We can do better than this but continuing to enable the psychopaths that got us here seems beyond impractical.

      I think the record of Communism shows that it has the same ability to enable psychopaths without the means to minimally keep them in check.

      • ** Record of authoritarians that called themself communist. How little you think of us, believing this is the best we can do. Please get in touch if a time comes when you’re ready for an honest conversation.

        • I’ve been nothing but honest. I think Lenin interpreted Marx’s teachings and works largely correctly and implemented a revolution and sate based on that understanding. I believe Mao interpreted Marx correctly and built a state based on that interpretation.

          I think the critical flaw of Communism is that it lacks the ability to self critique. Instead of something like the “USSR failed to achieve Communism because of X, Y and Z which we can correct by changing…” it says “those weren’t in any fashion even tangentially related to Communis, anyway let’s do exactly what they did again…” Comversley, other forms of governments don’t require such religious undertows and can support significant disagreement and discussion on how to build a society.

          • “I’ve been nothing but honest.”

            Oh, see when I saw 80% of your reply explaining why literally being bonobos wouldn’t be helpful I got the wrong impression. Isolated this reply sounds more serious but, addresses assertions I never made.

            We can incorporate self critique more easily than ever with the internet. Blockchain perhaps, since I’m not even sure whether or not I’m arguing with a time wasting ai, lol.