Labor MP Andrew Charlton, whose electorate has the nation’s biggest Indian diaspora community, says Australians should not be hung up on the superpower’s flaws.

  • So you’d be chill with a bunch of white bogans moving to China then marching down the street while chanting crap about how they want a Christian nation? You’re fine with the USA assassinating foreigners who say stuff they dont like? Are you on board with the Bush/Trump era anti-islamic oppression?

        • India assassinating a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is a byproduct of knowing that Canada has burned all of its geopolitical relevance and that the US won’t come to Canada’s aid.

          Canada had built up a ton of goodwill in the past, but a good chunk of that was burned up aligning with the US in increasingly inane military operations.

              • I can’t describe how absolutely idiotic your comment makes you look.

                Indian diplomats, ambassadors, Prime Ministers, Presidents, politicians, workers (both blue & white collar), some corporates have worked hard for 75+ years to create goodwill for India abroad. This goodwill earns India opportunities for import-export business, FDI, employment, study scholarships, diplomatic support, emergency support (remember the medical equipment & oxygen supplies foreign countries sent over during covid?), emergency food imports, co-operation in finding escaped criminals, tourism including medical tourism.

                If you think India can wreck hell around the world and assassinate whoever it wants to because US needs it against China, then you are mistaken. India’ll end up marked as a terrorist nation and will be sanctioned.

      • That’s likely one of the factors, but far from the only one; the internet makes it easier to expose the bad shit their government is doing, which has coincided with a rise in religious extremism and nationalism.

        If you look at news coverage of the Americans over the past 20 or so years you’ll see a similar trend despite them supposedly being our allies.