As of today, I have a 1 month old. She is amazing and I love her so much, but she’s boring! Don’t get me wrong, she’s difficult and my wife and I haven’t slept a good night in a month, but all she does is eat, sleep, and poop. There’s basically no interaction.

I’m so looking forward to being able to laugh with her, play with her, and generally start teaching her the world.

How do you feel? What’s your favorite stage of child development?

  • That first month is a real challenge, so congrats on making it this far.

    I had a similar sort of feeling, that first few months (what I’ve seen called “the fourth trimester” and what I personally refer to as “the phase where they’re basically a potato”) is a bit repetitive and they don’t really have the capacity to engage. But it’s well worth the wait; months 4-12 are really exciting and filled with firsts.

    We’re at about 24 months and it’s simultaneously been the most fun and most challenging. Little guy is really taking to the verbal skills, and he’s starting to repeat full sentences (including daddy’s traffic-inspired “look at this fucking guy”) and express complex thoughts and desires. Many of those desires involve potential grievous injury, hence the difficult part, but it’s overall a lot of a fun.

    • “the phase where they’re basically a potato”

      I’m laughing because I call this “the grub phase” because grubs eat, poop, sleep, and generally wiggle a bit. Glad to see I’m not the only one who has a pithy nickname for this phase.