My good ol 2+ year Plex server host has been banned again. I have given up on this, I do not have access to an obscure server with few customers that will avoid future bans.

What’s the platform of choice moving forward? Need wife-approval factor. Emby and Jellyfin? Where can I source servers? Reddit has made these hard to find and I haven’t found a good community here.

    • Plex are banning Hetzner IPs because libraries are hosted there and shared with thousands. I see people are moving to Emby/JellyFin because Plex is trying to become the next Netflix app OS trying to clean up what they see as pirated content

        •  m-p{3}   ( ) 
          21 year ago

          Yeah just host the server elsewhere. You don’t need all the media files to reside on the actual server either, you can just mount the external data using FUSE/rClone or something and cache the most requested data.

        •  Sylocule   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          Received an email from Plex:

          “We’re contacting you to let you know about an upcoming action that is likely to affect your Plex Media Server setup. You’re receiving this notice because the IP address associated with a Plex Media Server on your account appears to come from a service provider that hosts a significant number of Plex Media Servers that violate our Terms of Service.”

          I pay a few Euro a month for access to Plex with a lot of content. That content is hosted on Hetzner

      • Sorry for this maybe very naive question, but how can you possibly use Plex with only legal content? Can you actually purchase content within Plex? I always thought its just to play the content you provide, which almost always means its illegal since ripping your own discs is mostly piracy too, legally speaking.

        • Yeah content creators have leverage over them because they give Plex money. I would wager the vast majority of Plex users don’t have Plex pass. Also the fact that they have a lifetime subscription means there are people who could be paying but aren’t anymore. So they need some sort of way to get more recurring revenue.

          I’d much rather they include some free programming I can ignore than do something like take away my lifetime pass and make me start paying monthly again like a lot of places have done.