Metten also stressed the critical need for nations to hold China accountable for its ‘severe human rights violations’ during its fourth Universal Periodic Review, done by the UN Human Rights Council in January. Such as what’s happening in Tibet.

Several other nations seconded that opinion. Including Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

“The Chinese government’s ongoing policy of repression aims to eradicate the authentic and self-determined Tibetan culture. This policy must be stopped immediately,” Metten said.

  • Didn’t literally all the Muslim countries visit Xinjiang and come out of it with the consensus of “yeah, y’know what, China’s doing pretty good all things considered.”

    What makes the opinions of white non-Muslim people matter in this context?

    •  0x815   ( ) OP
      9 months ago


      Didn’t literally all the Muslim countries visit Xinjiang and come out of it with the consensus of “yeah, y’know what, China’s doing pretty good all things considered.”

      All things considered? There are some Uyghurs who could flee the country, and they don’t say “it’s pretty good” (this statement alond is disgusting given the human righrs violations hapoening there), and independent NGO hasn’t been allowed to enter Xinjiang.

      What happens there is a human catastrophe, comparable to what Nazi Germany did in the second world war.

          • Ich bin so froh das ich damit aufgehört habe immer dieselbe Propaganda abzurufen und selbst zu recherchieren. Es ist krass wie oft Behauptungen wie diese, die überall verbreitet werden von der gleichen sehr wackeligen Quelle kommen.

            •  0x815   ( ) OP
              9 months ago

              Wo sind denn Deine Recherchen?

              Recherchiert hast Du noch was. Du bist einfach ein Teenager, der auf die Propaganda reinfällt. Du solltest Dir selbst einen Gefallen tun und von diesen ‘Communities’ fernbleiben.

              • Keine Zeit das alles abzutippen aber wenn man sich die Person Adrian Zenz mal anguckt und was sie sonst so über China und das Christentum schreibt sollten eine Menge Zweifel aufkommen.

                Ist echt witzig dass das hier gerade das Thema ist weil der sogenannte “Genozid” mich dazu gebracht hat das ganze westliche Mediensystem zu hinterfragen. Ich konnte einfach keine verlässliche Quelle finden. Die (fehlende) Berichterstattung über die Nazi Milizen in der Ostukraine haben dem ganzen den Rest gegeben.

                  • Ja sorry dass ich neben nem zahnenden Kind und Hauhaltspflichten nicht die Zeit hab die ganzen Quellen die ich vor ein paar Monaten mir angeguckt habe zusammenzutragen und dir eine ausführliche Dissertation dazu zu bieten.

                    Wie gesagt lies mal was der Typ sonst so schreibt und ich denke es werden einige Zweifel an seinen Recherchefähigkeiten aufkommen.

      • By definition, you’ve described a self-selecting sample.

        Nobody is questioning whether China is policing Xinjiang very heavily, but calling it a genocide implies that China is somehow targeting all Uyghurs and not just radical elements. Most people are fine and Uyghurs are still represented in government and at top educational institutions. Comparing it to Nazi Germany is both reductionist and downright inaccurate.

              •  zephyreks   ( ) 
                9 months ago

                So… You have no useful sources? Good argument, bravo.

                This is the problem with all the bullshit surrounding China. It’s all “we KNOW it MUST be happening because I was told it a bunch of times.”

                • I never said I have no sources, I said I know you’ll come up with some sort of excuse for ignoring any source I can dig up.

                  But OK, I’ll bite. Here’s a UN report on the situation:

                  Now’s the part where you say it’s obviously untrustworthy, and how China’s definition of “extremism” isn’t extremely vague and so broad as to be meaningless, and all reports of reproductive rights being violated are lies, etc etc.

                  •  zephyreks   ( ) 
                    9 months ago

                    How is any of this comparable to Nazi Germany? Violation of reproductive rights is literally CPC policy and was used on the Han majority for decades. Forced sterilization, forced abortion, all were used for enforcement of population control policy. You’re not criticizing the CPC’s treatment of Uyghurs, you’re criticizing the CPC’s policies in general. Conflating that with Nazi genocide is rather disingenuous, especially given that people haven’t been killed en masse (far from it).

                    Second, Chinese extremism is pretty well-defiined: actions supportive of those involved in the 1992 bus bombings, 1997 bus bombings, the attempted airplane hijacking in 2008, the truck attack in 2008, the taxi attack in 2008, the stabbing attack in 2008, the bombing in 2010, the police station storming in 2011, the truck hijacking in 2011… Do I need to go on? Pretending that terrorism wasn’t a problem in Xinjiang in the past decade or two is simply wrong, and pretending that China’s policies haven’t basically eradicated domestic terrorism would also be wrong.

                •  0x815   ( ) OP
                  19 months ago

                  At least someof us here know China from own experience, have worked for Chinese companies, lived in the country.

                  You, in contrast, are suffering from a major lack of experience. You’re just echoing mindless propaganda. In the end, you are creating an obstacle for your own personal development, thus hurting yourself. You could do yourself a favour by staying away from this bubble-producing communities. But that’s just on. Whether you do it or not, all others will be fine either way.

                  • At least someof us here know China from own experience, have worked for Chinese companies, lived in the country.

                    Oh hey, are you describing me? I’ll admit I’ve mostly lived in tier 1/1.5 cities, so my experience isn’t exactly standard. I’ll also gladly admit that top Chinese companies have worse culture than top American ones in web development. Where are you from?

      •  ksynwa   ( ) 
        9 months ago

        You are utterly deranged if you genuinely believe what you just wrote. The more likely scenario however is that you are a Nazi apologist trying to minimise their atrocities. Even if the worst western theories about the Uyghur genocide are true, it is still not comparable to what the Nazis did. The Nazis had documented slaughterhouses that killed millions. Can you name just one person who was provably killed in this Uyghur genocide?