Curious to see the differences across the countries.

  •  Blizzard   ( ) 
    9 months ago

    Not a big thing in Poland but it’s present. Kids have fun going around their neigbourhood after dark (smaller ones usually under their parents’ watch) hunting for candies, young-to-middle-age people get an excuse to throw a party. It’s mostly a curiosity, not something people wait the whole year for or go out of their way to decorate their house like in the US. I personally don’t enjoy dress-ups but if kids are having fun and the religious people are getting triggered because of a “western, non traditional, pagan custom”, then I’m all for it.

    •  rgb3x3   ( ) 
      29 months ago

      Kids hunting for candies and adults having an excuse to throw parties is the main reason people enjoy Halloween in the US too. Of course, the season of scary is a ton of fun too. It’s the only time of the year that everyone goes all-out with horror movies and haunted houses.