Janine Jackson interviewed Labor Notes‘ Lisa Xu about the auto workers’ strike for the September 22, 2023, episode of CounterSpin.

  • Here's a short summary of the linked article

    United Auto Workers members are on strike against General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis over issues like wage increases, ending wage tiers, and restoring pensions. Currently around 13,000 workers at three plants are striking with the potential for more to join. The UAW is demanding concessions given back that workers lost in previous decades to address declines in living standards. They also want job protections during the transition to electric vehicles. Lisa Xu discusses how parts distribution centers, which are often in urban areas, are also involved but rarely discussed. If they went on strike it could raise community awareness. Xu highlights how media coverage often uncritically repeats corporate talking points without examining the profits made by the automakers.

    The strike aims to reverse concessions and improve conditions for all auto workers, seeing this as beneficial for the whole working class.

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