I live in Australia but normally get around with a folding bike that I can take on busses and trains easily, however I have decided it’s time to learn to drive, not due to any love of cars but rather just so I can do it if needed. Also I technically own half a car so it would be good if I can use it if I am ever moving or doing a political event or something.

So on to the story, my driving instructor was a good teacher, however the entire time he was complaining that cars don’t have right of way and have to go 40kmh lmao.

He watched a pedestrian cross the road on a green pedestrian light, and complained about the pedestrian not looking… because they have right of way. We also had him tell me the busses shouldn’t just pull out when they have indicated for 5 seconds and should still give way (legally they do not have to… because they are moving far more people than a mostly empty car)

Also said it was stupid that cars have to go 40kmh on busy roads with businesses on either side of it as pedestrians may want to cross, instead of having to give way to cars…

Do people in cars really all constantly get mad they don’t have absolute right of way at all times???

  • Do people in cars really all constantly get mad they don’t have absolute right of way at all times???

    Yes. US here and under perfect conditions usually go for a daily 5 mile walk, on which I cross an intersection by the interstate. As such, I always wait for my walk signal and visually verify that I’m good before crossing. I still get cussed out and yelled at a few times a month because it’s all my fault they have to wait 20 extra seconds.

    We have alot of roads without sidewalks and probably 30-40% of drivers will swerve outwards toward you instead of inwards around you, to assert dominance I guess? Maybe it’s just a murder boner that they could kill you right there, IDK. (I live in the “Bible Belt,” which is more so gun country, so I tend to think it’s that)

    All car centric countries see cars as the beginning and end of “freedom,” so anything that holds them up for 5 seconds or keeps them from going 80, is inherently anti-freedom. You triggered a pedestrian light? You might as well have murdered a bald eagle in cold blood, commie. (I know the metaphor doesn’t work for Aussies, sorry, I assume you get the point lol)