For me I’m currently trying to push my way through elden ring. But gosh it sure gets hard half way through, especially underleveled and offline. I need to find that mimic summon.

Other than that, cycling through local coop games like PlateUp. Any suggestions?

    • +1 for Dicey Dungeons. Playing it on the Steam Deck might actually be the ideal format, too. I don’t think I could have cleared the Witch campaign at all if I hadn’t broken that up into dozens of micro-sessions.

      One thing I will lament, however, is the Steam Deck’s current poor support for Bluetooth headphones. Being forced to resync headphones constantly forces me to play on mute most of the time, but it’s practically a crime against fun to play without the Dicey Dungeons soundtrack.

      • If you get a pair of bt headphones exclusively for the deck, they seem to stay paired in my experience.

        As in, the headphones are only paired to the deck and nothing else.

        But yeah, wired is still easier in 2023 :(

    • I was going to say I remember remapping the blanks to one button in EtG and also moving the map button around, but on SD, the back buttons must be great, since most of my playtime was before I got mine.